Thursday, September 29, 2005


"How can the mind be so imperfect?" she says with a smile.
I look at my hands. Bathed in the moonlight, they seem like statues, proportioned to no purpose.
"It may well be imperfect" I say "but it leaves traces. And we can follow them, like footsteps in the snow."
"Where do they lead?"
"To oneself" I answer. "That's what the mind is. without the mind, nothing leads anywhere."
I look up. The winter moon is brilliant, over the town, abve the wall.
"Not one thing is your fault" I comfort her.

-Haruki Murakami, Hard Boilde Wonder Land and the End of the World.

1 comment:

elpatojo said...

Buenísimo tiger. Te lo trajiste en un momento oportuno ¿adecuado? No cabe duda que nos vamos haciendo de algunos de esos que les llaman de culto. Gracias de nuevo por presentarme a este tipo tan genial.
Un abrazo.